Health & Safety Policy

ATS Plastics Limited are specialists in the design, manufacture, and installation of plastic ductwork.

In accordance with the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, Air Technology Systems Ltd is committed to ensuring the health and safety of all persons likely to be affected by our activities on all our sites.

Air Technology Systems is committed to investing in health and safety training and development at the operational, management and strategic levels to create and maintains a highly skilled workforce and ensure the health and safety of all stakeholders associated with the business.

We are committed to:

1.1 Assess the risks arising from our work activities and to minimize them wherever possible.

1.2 Consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety.

1.3 Provide and maintain safe plant and equipment that is suitable for the task.

1.4 Eliminate or minimise the use of substances hazardous to health in the workplace and ensure that all substances are handled and used safely.

1.5 Provide sufficient information, instruction, and supervision for employees to allow them to carry out their tasks safely.

1.6 Ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training.

1.7 Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health.

1.8 Maintain safe and healthy working conditions.

1.9 Ensure all employees are aware of their responsibility to take care of themselves and others.

These commitments will be achieved by complying with all relevant legislation, regulations, and approved codes of practice.

As Managing Director, I have overall responsibility for the proactive approach to Health and Safety. As an organisation we are committed to providing a safe working environment that focuses on the prevention of injury and ill health. This is demonstrated by our safety record. Our performance is based on the expertise and knowledge of our people together with training and development to achieve our goals.

This policy statement applies to all employees of ATS.

The Health & Safety Policy Statement will be reviewed annually or to reflect legislation changes.


Stephen Boon

Managing Director

Date: 18.07.2022

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