Quality Policy Statement

We are dutiful to comply with the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001:2015 to provide the best quality service and products that meet the high expectations of our clients.

ATS Plastics Ltd utilise an IT based Company Management System (CMS) which is hosted by ATS Ltd to ensure best practice and provide excellent customer service. To achieve this we will:

At a strategic level:
• Plan our business strategy with appropriate consideration of quality management, including the setting of strategic priorities and objectives (Key Performance Indicators – KPIs).
• Be committed to continuous improvement at a strategic level by regular review & analysis of the objectives set.
• Consider the impact of the quality of the work we deliver to all relevant Stakeholders & other interested parties.
• Invest in our people to ensure committed and high performing teams capable of delivering the quality expected.

At an operational level:
• Ensure all personnel understand our commitment to quality and are committed to continuous improvement
• Exceed the expectations of our customers.
• Appreciate our customers and get things done easily, quickly, and right first time.
• Ease the burden on our customers by providing excellent customer service, reacting quickly to their needs and taking on additional scope.
• Work safely
• Provide the best quality products to meet the specific requirements of customer and industry specifications.
• Deliver products on time.
• Invest time and effort in effectively managing our supply chain to ensure the quality of service we promise to our clients is delivered.
• Ensure all activities we carry out comply with all appropriate legal and industry regulations.

The Company Management System aims to provide all stakeholders with assurance that we can meet the required quality requirements. The implementation of ATS’s Quality Management System will be continuously reviewed at regular focussed management review meetings. These meetings will be held quarterly following publication of the KPI data.

The Quality Policy will be reviewed regularly (minimum annual basis) and any changes made will be communicated to our employees and other appropriate interested parties.


Stephen Boon

Managing Director

Date: 18.07.2022

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